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Oral Health and Maxillofacial Research


ISSN: 3048-5363


right arrow  Dr.Boonlert Kukiattrakoon
Faculty of Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry Department, Prince of Songkla University
Email: boonlert.k@psu.ac.th


right arrow  Dr.Boonlert Kukiattrakoon
Faculty of Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry Department, Prince of Songkla University
Email: boonlert.k@psu.ac.th
right arrow  Dr.Eman Maged Fouad
Lecturer, Oral and Dental surgery Department, Misr University for Science & Technology
Email: eman.fouad@must.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Nikolaos A. Chrysanthakopoulos
Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Email: nchrysant@med.uoa.gr
right arrow  Dr.Othman Altuwairgi
Professor and Dean, Aljoufe university
Email: TuwairgiO@mngha.med.s
right arrow  Dr.Hossein Mahmoudvand
Professor, Medical Parasitology Department, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences
Email: mahmoudvand.h@lums.ac.ir
right arrow  Dr.Mahmoud M. Fathy Abo-Elmahasen
Lecturer of orthodontics, Dental medicine Department, Al-Azhar University
Email: MahmoudFathy.209@azhar.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Marcelo Monnazzi
Professor, Diagnostic and Surgery Department, São Paulo State University (Unesp)
Email: m.monnazzi@unesp.br
right arrow  Dr.Heba Abo-Elfetouh Elsheikh
Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Mansoura University
Email: Heba_elsheikh@mans.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Wen-Ching Liu
Co-Director, Radiology Department, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
Email: Wenching.liu@osfhealthcare.org
right arrow  Dr. Alime Okkesim
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Hacı Bektaş Veli University
Email: alimeokkesim@nevsehir.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.Dana Jackson
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Howard University Hospital
Email: dana.jackson@howard.edu
right arrow  Dr.Mario Alovisi
Associate Professor, Surgical Sciences Department, University of Turin
Email: mario.alovisi@unito.it
right arrow  Dr.Zsolt M. Lohinai
Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics Department, Semmelweis University
Email: Lohinai.Zsolt@semmelweis.hu
right arrow  Dr.Falah R Alshammari
Professor, Public Health and Community Dentistry Department, University of Ha\'il
Email: fal.alshammari@uoh.edu.sa
right arrow  Dr.Vignesh Guptha Raju
Lecturer, Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences
Email: vigneshguptha@kids.edu.in
right arrow  Dr.Antoine Paul Ghorayeb
Dental Specialist, Esthetic and Prosthetic Restorative Dentistry Department, International University of Catalonia
Email: antoinegh@uic.es
right arrow  Dr.Divya Uppala
Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Department, GITAM Dental College
Email: duppala@gitam.edu
right arrow  Dr.Mohamed A. Hamed
Assistant Professor, ENDODONTICS Department, Al Azhar Univeristy
Email: mohamedhamed@azhar.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Mohammad Akheel
Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, College of Dentistry, City University Ajman
Email: m.akheel@cu.ac.ae
right arrow  Dr.Pauline Mohan
Dental Hygienist, Dental Public Health Department, University of Leeds
Email: dn23pnm@leeds.ac.uk
right arrow  Dr.Hanaa Salem
Assistant Professor, Oral Biology Department, Minia University
Email: hanaa.salem@mu.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Wahaj Anees
Lecturer, Oral Biology Department, Kohat institute of Dental Sciences
Email: wahajanees@live.com
right arrow  Dr.Hussein Fathy Abo-elkheir
Assistant Lecturer, Periodontology and Implantology Department, Minia University
Email: hussein.fathy@mu.edu.eg

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